The Legalization of Marijuana

I don't smoke pot. It's something that's never had a place in my life and I've always seen drugs, even alcohol, as a potential hindrance to my goals in life. That's why I've always been very careful about where I tread, what I take and when I take it. But despite this goodie-two-shoes approach to all things potentially addictive, I'm probably one of the few human beings that's genuinely outraged that marijuana is illegal.

You see, I'm a libertarian at heart and being a libertarian means you have one simple, fundamental rule when it comes to government, "The government's job is to protect me from others, but I'm the only person who's responsible for protecting me from myself." This means that if there's no victim outside of the perpetrator, there is no crime. Period.

However, I'm also a realist and I understand that I live in a society that's hell-bent enforcing morals through laws and watching over people's shoulders to make sure they're doing what's right, even when it doesn't affect anyone else. But even under such a restrictive government, the hypocrisy of making marijuana illegal is dumbfounding and, to a libertarian such as myself, is infuriating.

First of all, marijuana as a substance is less harmful and less addictive than cigarettes, less intoxicating than alcohol and the only illegal drug that has not killed a single person in recorded history. In fact, much to my shame, some studies indicate that caffeine, my drug of choice, comes with more harmful side effects than marijuana does.

Now let's take a quick moment to contrast marijuana to each of these other, completely legal, drugs.

Cigarettes have an absolutely abominable record when it comes to public safety. Not only do 400,000 people die each year from smoking-related illnesses, but also the nicotine found in cigarettes has been tested as being the most addictive drug that's widely used, up to five times more addictive than cocaine. Meanwhile, just a few years ago, tobacco executives were swearing that nicotine wasn't addictive and that people were smoking cigarettes purely for personal enjoyment. It's a sad spectacle to say the least. However, tobacco, in all its forms, remains completely legal to anyone over the age of 18.

However, alcohol isn't doing much better. Another highly addictive substance, upwards of 50,000 people die each year from alcohol poisoning (this doesn't count drunk driving, other accidents, liver disease or kidney failure). To make matters worse, alcohol is implicated in over half of all domestic violence and rape cases, up to 2/3 of all assaults and a quarter of all suicides. Yet despite this tremendous societal impact, alcohol remains completely legal for anyone over the age of 21 who isn't operating a motor vehicle.

Caffeine, however, is much more innocent. But it too rings in as one of the most addictive substances available, ahead of PCP, and the negative health consequences of caffeine, including lost sleep, jitters and ulcers are well documented.

Compared to these three, marijuana, a drug with no physical dependency and one of the lowest overall addictiveness ratings, seems rather tame. While taking smoke into your lungs is never a good thing and some of the side effects of marijuana, including mental impairment and sexual dysfunction, are undeniable, it's no more dangerous than many over-the-counter medications. Combine that with the complete lack of a body count and marijuana becomes one of the safest things to breathe in a society surrounded by gas fumes and wet paint. Even the hardest skeptics of the drug have to admit, it's better for you than cigarettes and less of a societal problem than alcohol.

Despite this, the government has fought tooth and nail to keep marijuana illegal, including taking states that try to decriminalize the drug to court. But while the federal government ignores the obvious, nearly 750,000 people each year are arrested for mere marijuana possession costing taxpayers an estimated $10 billion. This number dwarfs the number of violent criminals arrested and most law enforcement experts agree that the "war on pot" has become nothing but a huge burden on the nation's police force.

But then comes the big question, why is it illegal in the first place? I've read about a dozen theories on the issue, but as I see it, it boils down to one critical factor, the users. The people who smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol come from all walks of life and any attempt to criminalize those two drugs would be resisted by A) powerful lobby groups and B) the wealthy and middle-class users of the products. However, pot smokers tend to be younger, less politically involved and smaller in number than any of the other groups in question. So while speaking out against cigarettes or alcohol is political suicide, it's completely safe to pick on marijuana users and, in fact, with the public crying for a "war on drugs" it's a very, very smart move.

Now, on an aside note, a lot of people have taken to calling pot a "gateway drug" to justify maintaining its criminal status. But the term "gateway drug", while it seems to implicate marijuana in causing more serious addictions, is actually a term that means very little for the simple reason that any drug can be a gateway drug. While there's a strong correlation between people who use pot and then move onto other things, a similar correlation exists for both alcohol and caffeine. The truth is, a lot of people who use marijuana never move onto harder drugs just like light drinkers don't always become raging alcoholics. In the end, it's just a convenient statistic to justify an unjustifiable law.

But there is hope. Several states and many nations are moving to decriminalize marijuana. By one estimate, 30% of the United States population lives under some form of decriminalization and in those states there's been no reported increase of marijuana use. Other states, like Nevada, are pushing legislation through to decriminalize marijuana possession despite the federal governments legal maneuvering to get the laws repealed.

What needs to happen is more political activism on the part of pot smokers. More than just protests and publicity stunts, there needs to be a serious push not just for the legalization of marijuana, but to promote the responsible use of it. Rather than simply fighting to lift the ban, there needs to be an understanding that any legalization of it is going to come with restrictions and the consensus among the current marijuana lobbyists is that the restrictions should be similar to those placed on alcohol (age, location of consumption, driving, etc.).

But most importantly, pot smokers needs to shake their image of being stupid, lazy and useless. Being politically active and promoting responsible use is one of the best ways to do that, but also important is being a productive member of the community, a law-abiding citizen (marijuana use aside) and a contributor to government both as a taxpayer and as a voter.

Perhaps then marijuana users and marijuana supporters will be able to show the people the error of the existing laws and take their case to government in a way that will earn them respect and, justice willing, a victory.

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143 Responses to The Legalization of Marijuana

  1. Awesome Rob says:

    what can i say? you're my hero

  2. JTomlin says:

    "when we smoke we smoke to get away, to elevate from this world of hate"…check out the band kottonmouth kings…its all about how the government is so fucked up and society too…

  3. Kirstie-Anne says:

    I came onto your site looking for info for an oral about legalising pot for uni. All the information you have on your site is what i believe. I would just like to say keep up the good work.

  4. nicole says:


  5. TJ says:

    I have smoked but yano, The pot makes you feel awesome, why do people care what you think or do to your body its your body! wtf! If i want to smoke i can, yano? oh well i am a pot smoker and i like what it does to my body so there~

  6. Physco Joker says:

    hell yeah i think pot should be Legalized because pot doesn't make you stupid , if any thing it makes to you have to think more about things and that's a good thing , Because i'm in school and i somke every so often and it helps because i have a b,c 's in school what does that tell you ? and i have learning disalble thing where i read things backward and what not but it helps me some how . . . so yeah it speaks for it self

  7. The Boy Who Fell Into The Rabbit Hole says:

    omg this is just making me even more pissed off at the government…sigh..why dont they just leagalize it: if they do leagalize it they will have to deal with people in there own little worlds walking around saying stupid things or giggleing to themselfs and peoples jobs would go bad cause they would start to fail at what they do unless they realy are committed and try real hard to do good with their own life ::::: well im a pothead and i kinda dont mind having friends that do the same shit i do but when they do violent shit to other people or me i get realy pissed off so i dont smoke with them } which has left me utterley alone by myself in my own imaginary world what i read is what i think about which kinda freaks me out cause if ur reading about zombies u kinda get fucking freaked out!!!!!!!!!! so tehre i have said all i wanted to say i wish i had afriend still but i guess i should go smoke a bowl and be happy / read a book cya later people

  8. cody says:

    i think pot should be leagle because it has no wrong in smokeing it i have smoked a wile and im not stuipid or lazy im only lazy not smokeing peopl say pot kills bull shit if you can name one person who died of smokeing pot and didnt do any thing else well ill say you proved me wrong till then leaglize pot fuckers

  9. Dargon says:

    Came to this site off of an MSN search, and let me say that that seems like a very well researched rant. I learned a lot, and I think I'm gonna do a bit more research on libertarian views and ideals and shit. But yeah, I get what you're saying and I agreed with just about everything you said up there, as after I've heard more about the libertarian movement, the more and more it makes sense. I used to be one of those people (that was a couple of years ago, however, when I was more impressionably and ready to believe falsified information provided by them) and I would frown upon someone who was a 'pothead' (I find the term a bit degrading by the way, as the image most people get with that term is some dumbass who smokes pot all day and dropped out of high school, which obviously isn't always the case). But yeah, we need to get our ideas out there more, you know?

    I'm also a big fan of animal rights (I have many views on a lot of things) fan and you know what they're always saying? Protest, protest, protest, write to your senator/representative about animal rights, do articles or even school reports if you're still in HS about these issues. Well, it's the same thing here, isn't it? I'm sure that when PETA was first started, everybody thought they were a bunch of dumb hippies who were too busy picking flowers and being lazy. But they kept up with these public things (makeout tour, anyone? run of the nudes?) to protest.

    Well that's what we gotta do.

    I'm strongly considering making up a zine about different shit, including libertarian views, but it'll be a while inbetween school, art, my beloved bass, and commenting ridiculously long comments on sites that people aren't vastly familiar with.

    Do your part, man. We have some pretty good, logical views, we just gotta try and make our voices just a little bit louder than a lot of these 'war on drugs' supporters.


  10. amber and ashley says:

    we are stoned now and it makes us smart. it makes u happy, and nice. legalizepot. majority rules bitches! who cares if pot kills brain cells! you have so many and u dont use all those brain cells at once. even though we have bowls and pipe were creative we like to make homemade shit. with a little tin foil and an inhaler case u got something to smoke out of. well nothing else to say we gotta go smoke a dutch.. united and lighted we stand. [[[[[[]~~ blunt

  11. Matt says:

    Bud is raw dog. It makes me calm down and chill. I smoke bud alot but i dont consider myself as a pothead! I just love the way it makes me feel. I smoke a blunt every morning before i got to school and i love it. I have got caught with posession under 20grams at school but its all good. If the goerment would legalize it, they would save billions of dollars. Instead of wasteing money trying to bust people. Well I say nothing is goin to stop me! ~PeAcE~ 4:20

  12. jawad says:

    hay how are you everyone. thanks for all the information on the pot. i just wann say is that i never smoked ot in my life. but since yestrday today i bin in stress and got rejected by a girl and reallly feelling that i am meesed up. my all freinds does it i just wann say is that how it is feell when you go high in school. pelasee tell em somonee……..

  13. Sean says:

    yooo man you have inspired me with this shit…you put it in to a different perspective…..and another thing…if marijuana is SOOOO bad check this, "GOD made Marijuana…MAN made beer……..who the fuck do you trust lol….ima not a "pot"head but i do smoke about 3-4 times a week but i dont do it becuase i have to…i do it cuz i want to…i have no signs of being addicted…never had any mental problems…only habit i wish i could kick is ciggerettes…both of them together isnt good….but thanks for this info an this has also made me to believe that they might some day legalize it….John Kerry and George Bush both admitted to trying marijuana..just give it time it will be legalized

  14. smokey mcpot says:

    marijuana should be legalized because it causes no harm for any one i think the only problem is is that not enough people smoke pot pot is not addicting for me it actually helps me deal with a lot of problems that have come along with life when i am blazed i feel like i understand the world a little bit clearer

  15. Camille says:

    OKAY, Alaska has weed completely decriminalized, and other states have given regulations to the usages of pot, but that is not good enough! we need to stick together and make a stand to legalize it, as Alaska has done. I think it is wrong and totaly ignorant to not do something becuase a piece of paper says not to. weed does not do anymore damage than cigs or medication, any other contravertial "drug" on th market. So if you would like to smoke, eat brownies, or talk more on this subject with me, don't be shy to e-mail me, and as sublime said it best "legalize it!".

  16. Camille says:

    OKAY, Alaska has weed completely decriminalized, and other states have given regulations to the usages of pot, but that is not good enough! we need to stick together and make a stand to legalize it, as Alaska has done. I think it is wrong and totaly ignorant to not do something becuase a piece of paper says not to. weed does not do anymore damage than cigs or medication, any other contravertial "drug" on th market. So if you would like to smoke, eat brownies, or talk more on this subject with me, don't be shy to e-mail me, and as sublime said it best "legalize it!".

  17. Jordan says:

    wassup everybody its me again just saying how i would love the legalization of pot//if only i could smoke a joint while walking down the street
    and not be attacked by the fedreal assholes
    maybe someday im gunna be able to or just get a medical marijuwana card so i can lol well just saying hat i felt like cya laters post back to have a chat cause im kinda bored ….cyas

    The Boy Who Fell Into The Rabbit Hole

  18. t man says:

    I'm just browsing around your site for the first time, interesting read

  19. Jessica says:

    shit im high right now lol and i do smoke alot but hey ive had to go cold turkey befor its not hard and pot is not that addicting you just like the affect there are good and bad addictions think about it at partys that most all teenagers go to would you reather then drink beer which could poison them, or kill them uhhhh no i would rather them be high on pot where they feel mellow and chilled out and pot doesnt kill as much as anyother drug they call it a gateway drug shit ppl just want to try more drugs i have tryed everydrug in the book but ya know what pot wasnt first "herion" was then let me see what the hell was nect i know it wasnt pot cuz i didnt start that til i was about 14 so yea i just kinda stoped i had to go to rehab and shit never had to do that with pot and ive been smoking it for 3 years i make straight As im a cheerleader. i do bleave in the short term memory loose but i can smoke a blunk or 2 b4 school and still As a test i just cant rememeber what my friend said to me in the hall you get what i am saying im high so im gonna go now lol lol lol

  20. C-Dawg says:

    I think marijuana should be legalized because it's not a bad drug and plus i smoke it all tha time lol. Marijuana is tha best thing to smoke when ur stressed, it makes you feel relaxed and just puts you in chill mode.

  21. Amanda says:

    I totally agree…im a dean's list student, and i love to get high, and always have. Like you said weed is so much "safer" than alcohol and cigs, so why are all the head honchos so against it? LEGALIZE!!!!!!!!!!

  22. neo says:

    let the prez take a hit and he'll make it legal the only reason it is illegal is the goverment cant tax it. the goverment just wants get there green i mean i cant blame them but if it is legalized it will become so expensive it wont be funny people will stop doing and move to some thing cheaper. i've tryed it but it no big thing later all shy town down

  23. kyle says:

    I agree, dope does help. when i go to school high i do alot better than when im strait

  24. kyle says:

    It relaxes

  25. Rontyna Hairychin says:

    to me i have grown up around marijuana and i know what the effects are and all of that i'm all about legalizing Marijuana i think that people can use it for what ever purpose they have it's like i've said before it's just like liquior if the president legalized liquior why not Marijuana yeah it does kill your brain cells and all of that but the way i see it is it's my brain cell i can do whatever it is i want to do with them it's not effecting anyone else but myself but at times all of that research about the whole brain cell killing thing for me i can concentrate a lot better when i'm high my mind is stemulated and i do good in school and i have good grades even though i'm high and i actually like going to class as long as i 'm high so life would be easier for me and who knows maybe everyone else.

  26. Stoner420 says:


  27. Let Me Be says:

    seriously, if alcohol, cigs, and coffee are legal, then why the HELL is pot not?? Pot never killed anybody, literally. it's just a pretty plant that makes you feel good and sharpens senses. the government needs to stop putting damn regulations on everything!!! the government is screwed up. i mean, this isn't even a democracy. if it was, we'd be able to legally smoke (or do whatever with) pot.

  28. Tommy says:

    plain and simple. smoking a rediculous amount of marijuana is just more fun than drinking yourself retarded. i myself do not drink. bad history. i just love to blaze 🙂 spread the love

  29. Ann says:

    i've only smoked up a few times, but i can honestly say i love it! i feel so much better after smoking rather than drinking and smokin regular cigs. Drinking just makes u fall over and act stupid, but gettin high u can have a better time. i came to this cite fora speech on y the govt. should legalize weed…and i totally agree w/ everything everybody said! keep smokin!

  30. Mike Wang says:

    wsup ya'll pot smokers out there. i got caught at school smoking pot so many times so i am now at another school and i want JUSTICE! i wnna smoke dope all day and all night without people telling me " pot kills your brain cells" bla bla blah I am smarter after i smoke alot of pot and i believe
    that MARIJUANA SHOULD BE LAGALIZED! gotta go now ya'll to smoke some ciga-weeds^_^

  31. Jessica says:

    I totally agree with this report. I am also writing a report for my English class about the legalization of marijuana, that's how I found this page. I'm a pot smoker, a senior in high school, and I've had the same job for over a year… just to prove my fact that pot smokers aren't losers. I do better in school while I'm high compared to when I'm sober. As Kottonmouth Kings say… "Legalize Freedom, Celebrate God's Gifts!"

  32. Michael says:

    I agree, I also think that the government doesn’t want to legalize because they can’t tax it. Weed is home grown so it makes it hard for them to milk us for money. I have this idea of why pot would make people smarter. In my opinion I think that stress can cloud your judgment and intellect; so by smoking Mary Jane I believe that you will remove that stress freeing your mind and high ting senses, intellect, and hunger, lol. I am very impressed with the research you did and applaud you for having an open mind and marijuana. Most people just accept the slanderous propaganda with out even trying the hookah for themselves. I hope I got a good grade on your report.

  33. Michael says:

    I'm a marijuana smoker and i have to say i love everything about it even if it was as bad as alcohal. I'm in tenth grade and very smart with good grades. Marijuana does not stress me out. The only thing that stresses me out is smoking and worrying about getting caught. If that worry went away i'd be stress free. I started smoking marijuana in 8th grade and have had to stop 2 or 3 times because of getting caught by my parents. I recently got caught with possession and have to go to court. I will tell the judge i have done nothing wrong. I will not let him make me feel like i am any less a person than he is. I will sacrifice getting off easy for finally standing up for what i believe in. I am one of the most peacefull people i have ever met. I never yell about anything. My parents want me to go to counseling for "help" but i do not need or want help. I know what i believe in and no one can tell me different. I WILL STAND UP FOR WHAT I BELIEVE IN. Out of all the sites i've been through, this one has the most information needed to tell people the truth about marijuana. I love marijuana and will always have it in my life, even if it is illegal. The bullshit shitstem(system) needs to back off and stop telling us how to think. One thing i absolutly hate about it being illegal is when i walk back from lunch with my smoking buddies and people discriminata against me because i smoke. Some people say "you're stupid. Smoking messes up your life" and shit like that. The only way it messes up my life is getting caught. The government messes up your life not the weed. When me and my friends smoke weed we are in no way criminals of any sort. We are even more peacefull than people who dont smoke. I have so much to say on this topic and so much hatred towards the government. I will write again. LISTEN TO BOB MARLEY. FUCK THE POLICE. TOKE UP EVERYTIME THEY SAY NO.

  34. Salina says:

    I think that you are all definately correct. I have been smoking pot for seven years, and I know that I am not stupid. I just got on the presidents list at the college that I currently attend, I work a full time job as a manager, and I am only 19 years old. So to say that pot ruins your life, I don't think so. I would think of myself as living proof that you can do whatever you want when you put your mind to it, and nothing will ever get in your way, especially not a drug that supossedly makes you so dumb. Well if it truely makes you dumb then how do you explain a 4.0?

  35. Bob says:

    I smoke pot, and I got into yale!

  36. Fantastical Queen Ebony Black says:

    I agree it should be legalized, though I do not smoke it… haven't yet had the chance ^^. I'm debating for it, and am supposed to be researching. fight for your rights!!

    but, uh, it is harmful, not that harmful, but… whatever, you people do your thing.

  37. jeremy says:

    marijuana should be legalized it does nothing to u has no effect and makes u feel happy and makes when im high i do crazy stuff like run from federalies and fight polar bears and its just fun it SHOULD be legalized

  38. korben says:

    i think it should be legalized because pot is good!!!! and i like to see monkeys and puple bunnys… well i like smokin pot and its so fun so god damnit legalize it!!!!!!!

  39. Sykot|kKytt|n says:

    i have to say this. even if they dont legalize pot for all of us, they should at least leagalize it for medicinal use. Just look at Montel Williams. he's an amazing man, smart, funny, has his own day time show, and smokes pot (technically its legal in cali, where he's at) because of his MS, it helps him with the pain. So, if vicodin and heroin are legalized for medicinal use only, why shouldnt pot?!?!

  40. BECKY says:

    im sitting here right now in class talking about ganja. i dont care what ppl say weed is good for the soul.*~ it helps you think and gets you really happy.. and happy ppl are good. happy ppl dont rob banks, kills ppl, or themselves. well gtg seeya all hope they legalize it soon cause i gotta court date soon about it, and i wanna be able to smoke !!!!!!!! love ya lots

  41. weed head says:

    I Like to smke because it is a way to feel realaxed. because i have ADHD and that makes me all hyper and when i smoke a roll i calm down for like 3 hours so thats why u should leagaize the stuff that im growing in my back yard, lol

  42. gesebelle says:

    mmmmm….i am a chef. i make hash brownies. i am also a home ec teacher.. i like to eat. mmmm smokin buddah

  43. kevin karl jones says:

    i can proudly say that i have been smokeing pot for a little over a year and i am only 15. While i was in the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades i compleatly failed. since i have started smokeing weed i have managed to pull my grades up from stright F's to A's and B's with ease. also my relationship with my parents has become much better because i have become more relaxed. since i have become more relaxed i no longer have a short temper and have stoped punching holes in my walls. i also think it should be leagalized because of the fact that it helps ppl with cancer that go to kemo and that can make ppl weak and nauses but when they smoke some pot they have the strangth to live a normal life and not feel like pukeing all the time. another reason it should be leagalized is ITS ONLY A PLANT. i mean come on. what kind of world do we live in when a person cant have something that was given to them by god its like the saying "god made it, i can smoke it". also the only work that goes in to pot is growing it but most other drugs take time and mixing of chemicals and other products that can be hazardes. while i smoke pot i have no desire to even try any other drugs. also if they leagalized mary jane it would produce more job it takes ppl to grow it and package it and all that shit. another thing i have noticed about being high at school is i can take a test much better because i am much calmer and not worried about my grade. it would also keep our jails open for more serious crimanls and the caops would not have to be chaseing innocent ppl for havein pot but instead would be putin tax dollars to good use in finding real crimanls like murderers and rapests.

  44. The Dix says:

    Im 17 years old and iv been cheifin the reef since i was 11, and of course im all for the legalization of pot,but growing up in a pot family in a resinouse environment has showed me that legalization will prolly never happen. The first thing i would ever see our government doing is tolerate it. If pot was decriminalized at least possesion wont get u locked up. I much as many of u are doing a class report, but see here in my small town in Indiana speaking up for pot will merely get u looked down upon. School much as government lables u by the things u say and the people your with. I was openly labled as a stoner and dont really care but when a school is out to get u it makes it hadr to cope i was caught with a QP and got screwed. But grow it up it the stix neway

  45. Jeff Richards says:

    i truley believe weed should be legal!!!! No one can tell me any different.I smoke weed almost everyday. Iv been researching this for a few hours now and found out some amazing things. Everyone stick up for what you believe in and dont let anyone put you down man. Peace.
    ~Smoke budddddddd everydayyyyyy~

  46. Dustin Coleman says:

    I think jesus made cannibis sativa, because he was a hippie. He wore satcloth and sandals and had long hair and a beard. So he had to of smoked herb. i mean why wouldnt the gov. legalize it.

    "legalize it, dont critize it"
    -Peter Tosh

    "legalize the plant"

    "the gov. want legalize it because they cant tax a plant"

    "I'm rich BIOTCH"
    -Guy at the end of Chappeles Show

    "Make Love Not War"
    -Ralph Nader

    -All The Fucking Hipiies

    "Fuck the police Fuck the Police Fuck em"
    -Public enemy


  47. Dave aube says:

    yo man you shud rly legalize it email me bak for information am a very good lawyer and we can fight against the authorities

  48. 4:20 says:

    Bud should be legal because Alcohol and cigarettes kill 10 times more ppl then chronic ever has. I got a possesion ticket not to long ago and the cop told me that he was chasing a hot car (stolen) and when he turned around me and some buddies just finished a few and were driving to the highway and the cop pulls me over to give me a possesion ticket and lets the guy driving the stolen car get away. That is bullshit, waste of tax money and my money so legalize this shit!!!!!!

  49. kevin k jones says:

    I just finnished reading all the posts on this rant and have come to the conclusion that a hell of a lot of people want pot legalized for medical use or recreational use or both. I have been researching pot and the legalization of it for about a month and i recentaly relized that almost evey government sponsered sight i found only told the negitive effects of pot and made marijuana out to be some sort of killer plant. On the other hand most privetly sponsered sights have given all the facts and have not tried to give people a view that completly discrimanats pot and pot users. no matter what sight i go to though i am informed that the short term effects of marijuana are loss of short-term memory, problems with problem solveing or learning, distorted perception, loss of cordination, etc. But it is from personal experiance that these effects do not appear in all cases in fact after reading all the posts here and on numerous other sights that a lot of people have the opposite effects and can learn better or can do things they cant do sober. Also I have read that pot is an addictive drug and once you start theres no stoping but I have seen people that heavily use pot go any where from a week to 3 months and even to quiting and never have a single sign of withdrawls. I have talked to health teachers as well as other teachers and school officals about pot and some of them agree that school text books and tv commercials do not fully inform society about pot and accually lead people to belive that pot is an extreamly harm full drug when in fact not even one death is caused by marijuana directly. But yet legal substances such as alcohol and cigarettes kill people directly and accually the really screwed up thing is that its not all that hard to overdose on alcohol but yet its pretty much imposible to overdose on pot. I myself have been smokeing pot for a year and a half now and right after i started my grades improved drasticaly and i got a job and i am even planing for my futuer career. befor I started smokeing pot I had sever depression and had a maojer anger problem but scince I started smoking pot I have been happy and care free for the most part and nolonger have a short temper also my relationship with my mom and step-father have improved drastically we no longer get into huge fights and yell at each other of course there is the occasial fight over the pot but other than that there is not much that causes fights. well thats all iv got to say for now but i will most likely post again. everyone keep up the fight for legal pot and im out. peace.


  50. Bennie says:

    I smoke at least 3 bowls a day, and 2 joints. I started smokin pot 2 yrs. ago. And while smoking pot, i've held a steady job, therefore keeping a steady income, and getting better grades in school because im not stressed anymore! ALL STONERS UNITE! LETS GET 10,000+ STONERS TO SMOKE IN FRONT OF THE U.S CAPITOL AND SHOW THEM FUCKIN POLITICIANS WHAT NEEDS TO BE LEGALIZED, LOL.

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